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Freebie View Script To Rename BC Tables and Columns

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Hi All,
Not a question but just letting BC people know.
We have released a /freebie/ for Business Central installed accounts if you would like it.
This is a script to create views that rename of all the tables and columns in 2023 wave 2.
The views simply make it easier to write /direct query/ sql against the underlying tables for on premise installs.
It will help companies that have direct query against the underlying Business Central database to save time and money.
The use of this script would typically be for BI/Reporting on BC, so I thought this was a good place to announce this for the BC community.
If anyone wants to pass these links around that would be much appreciated. 
This is a genuine freebie. We are not asking for anyones email address to download the create views file. 
You are all welcome. :-) 
You can download the script directly from this link.
You can read (or listen to) the blog post describing it on this link.
If anyone wants the same for Navision? Please let us know.
We have decided to not go ahead with our planned Navision 2018 products in favour of just jumping to the current Business Central release.

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