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SentOn Field not populating

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we have a problem with the sentOn field in activities. When a user is sending an email, this field doesn't get the date, and it keeps appearing /blank/. What is missing? What do we need to do in this case, if we want the field to get populated? Admin works fine, other users don't.
  • SentOn Field not populating
    thanks a lot for your answer.
    Still, here you are a screenshoot of my case. As you can see (it's in Spanish, I know), these are all e-mails, that have been sent, and completed. But still, the sentOn field (Fecha de envio) doesn't get any value. Do you have any idea of the reasons? thanks
  • Suggested answer
    Daivat Profile Picture
    Daivat 199 on at
    SentOn Field not populating
    In Dynamics 365 CE, the OOB field "SentOn" will be populated once the activity is completed. 

    If user 1 (has system admin permission) and the mailbox is configured for the sale user account, the email will be sent out and the field will be populated with a time stamp. 

    For another user, even having system admin access but the mailbox is not configured, when the user clicks on "Send" the status of such activity will be marked as "Pending Sent" and once the email is processed to the email server/exchange, the value will be populated with "SentOn" timestamp. 
     To view the value in a specific field, you can add an additional column to the view: Configure columns in a view in Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises) | Microsoft Learn
    If my answer was helpful, please click Like, and if it solved your problem, please mark it as verified to help other community members find more.
    If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me.
    Best Regards,
    Daivat Vartak
  • SentOn Field not populating
    I've checked the roles, and actually, both admin and the user have the same roles.
    Where can I find with fields can be edited or updated?
    I'm pretty new in CRM Dynamics.
  • Suggested answer
    Daivat Profile Picture
    Daivat 199 on at
    SentOn Field not populating
    Hello Member,
    Based on your last response, "my problem is weird anyway. The admin correctly works, meaning that the field is correctly populated when using such user. Still, with other users I can't get the sentOn field to be populated.."
    It looks to be more of Permission Issue.
    Please let us know the role that assigned to user (OOB or Custom).
    If using custom role, please assign OOB role and check again. 
  • SentOn Field not populating
    my problem is weird anyway. The admin correctly works, meaning that the field is correctly populated when using such user. Still, with other users I can't get the sentOn field to be populated..
  • SentOn Field not populating
    Hello, To ensure the "sentOn" field in activities is populated with the correct date when a user sends an email, you need to make sure that the necessary steps are followed. I think you should check email client settings. Some email clients may have specific configurations or preferences related to date fields that need to be adjusted. Explore the email client's settings or preferences menu to see if there are any options related to capturing and populating date fields.

  • Suggested answer
    Daivat Profile Picture
    Daivat 199 on at
    SentOn Field not populating
    Hello Community Member,
    You can write a real-time workflow in CRM on the change event of activity status. Validate the status value, and copy the value from modified on the field to SentOn. 

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