RE: Fixed Asset Depreciation interrupted
Hey Richard,
Thank you for your response.
I can provide you with sample statements. I cannot provide you with the actual script without a support case.
These are provided to you As Is. I highly recommend doing this in test first to verify the end results.
You can modify the scripts below to reflect the GLTINTBCHNUM field in the scripts.
1. Update the FA00902 to set the GLTINTBCHNUM and GLINTTRXDATE to 1900 based on the Batch Name.
UPDATE FA00902 SET GLINTBTCHNUM = '', GLINTTRXDATE = '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000' WHERE GLINTBTCHNUM = 'BatchName'
2. Delete the FA150000 for the GLINTBTCHNUM
DELETE FA15000 WHERE GLINTBTCHNUM = 'BatchName' /*This table is the holds the user activity for Fixed Assets*/
3. Delete the FA00905 for the GLINTBTCHNUM
DELETE FA00905 where GLINTBTCHNUM = 'BatchName' We need to remove these records in order to allow the problem FA trx to be pulled into a new batch */
4. Lastly, delete the FAINDEX table.
DELETE FAINDEX /*This table holds the index numbers for Fixed Assets, but will be recreated automatically*/
Once completed, you should be able to redo the GL Posting Process to push these to the General Ledger.
I hope this helps!
Microsoft Support Engineer | Brandon Jarrett