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Fixed Asset Depreciation interrupted

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Posted on by 75,730

We had a client post a depreciation and for whatever reason it was interrupted. None of the resulting distributions made it down to the ledger but the asset does show that it was depreciated. What fixed asset tables hold the depreciation distributions? Running check links did not help and when I examine the GL10000 and GL10001 tables there is nothing there.

  • Suggested answer
    Hokuminaria Profile Picture
    Hokuminaria 2,950 on at
    RE: Fixed Asset Depreciation interrupted

    Hey Richard,

    Thank you for your response.

    I can provide you with sample statements. I cannot provide you with the actual script without a support case.

    These are provided to you As Is. I highly recommend doing this in test first to verify the end results.

    You can modify the scripts below to reflect the GLTINTBCHNUM field in the scripts.

            1. Update the FA00902 to set the GLTINTBCHNUM and GLINTTRXDATE to 1900 based on the Batch Name.

    UPDATE FA00902 SET GLINTBTCHNUM = '', GLINTTRXDATE = '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000' WHERE GLINTBTCHNUM = 'BatchName'

             2. Delete the FA150000 for the GLINTBTCHNUM

    DELETE FA15000 WHERE GLINTBTCHNUM = 'BatchName' /*This table is the holds the user activity for Fixed Assets*/

             3. Delete the FA00905 for the GLINTBTCHNUM

    DELETE FA00905 where GLINTBTCHNUM = 'BatchName'  We need to remove these records in order to allow the problem FA trx to be pulled into a new batch */

              4. Lastly, delete the FAINDEX table.

    DELETE FAINDEX /*This table holds the index numbers for Fixed Assets, but will be recreated automatically*/

    Once completed, you should be able to redo the GL Posting Process to push these to the General Ledger.

    I hope this helps!

    Microsoft Support Engineer | Brandon Jarrett

  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,730 on at
    RE: Fixed Asset Depreciation interrupted

    Brandon, thanks for your reply. In this case this was their first depreciation since upgrading from GP 10. We have them running in parallel so the plan is to perform another upgrade this weekend. This time I will confirm that all securities are assigned for all users. She was getting a permission error even after running the grant.sql script. If you are allowed to provide that script you mentioned with opening a support case please do so. They do not have any support cases available to them.

  • Suggested answer
    Hokuminaria Profile Picture
    Hokuminaria 2,950 on at
    RE: Fixed Asset Depreciation interrupted

    Hello Richard,

    Thank you for your forum question!

    With this issue, the first thing i would do is run the GL Posting Routine and determine if the Depreciation gets pulled in. If it does, then you can just post the GL Posting Batch to have it update the General Ledger. 

    Routines | Fixed Assets | GL Posting.

    If no records are populated in the GL Posting window, then you will need to adjust the FA00902, FA00905 and FA15000 to allow you to run the GL Posting Routine again to move the Depreciation to the General Ledger. Let me explain what you would need to do.

    When you run the GL Posting Routine, there are three tables that get touched. In the FA00902, we update the GLINTBCHNUM column to what the Batch Number is that gets assigned from the GL Posting Window. By Default it is FATRX00000000000000xxx. We then create these records in the FA00905 and FA15000 table with the same GLINTBCHNUM.

    To undo a GL Posting, you would need to delete the FA00905 and FA15000 for the Batch ID assigned for this GL Posting Routine. Once those are deleted, you need to update the GLINTBCHNUM field in the FA00902 to be blank. Lastly, delete the FAINDEX table.

    After that is complete, you can run the GL Posting Routine again to push the Depreciation to the General Ledger.

    We have a script to accomplish this if you would like to open a Support Case.

    I hope this helps!

    Microsoft Support Engineer | Brandon Jarrett

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