My employer asked me to build a demo that showcases what Microsoft Social Engagement can do and how it can be used.
What I had in mind was to showcase how Microsoft Social Engagement could be used at customer support.
To do this, today in the morning, I had set up a search topic about "MicrosoftHelps" (this search topic can be seen on the picture below) as this topic should give me a lot of relevant posts that I could use.
As you can see, the quota check tells me that I would get about 7318 posts per month ( which is about 243 posts per day).
However, when I turned on social engagement just now (right now it's 9PM in the evening where I stay and about 10 hours have passed) I noticed that I had aqcuired no posts from this search topic, as can be seen on the picture below;
So I just looked up some posts that were shown to me in the quote preview of the first picture and I did notice they had been posted recently, some were posted actually just some minutes ago (I will not show pictures of those posts as I do not know if that is allowed).
Is there a reason that these posts are not being acquired by Social Engagement? I had the same problem when I tried using a search topic with "#XboxSupport" as it's keyword.