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2022 Year-end Update error on wfDeployClrAssemblies in Dynamics database

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I was attempting to update a customer last night and while the GP Utilities were updating the Dynamics system database, I got an error while loading stored procedures that, "The following SQL statement produced an error.  EXEC wfDeployClrAssemblies.  The customer is not using Workflow.  I have looked at other blog posts regarding this issue; most have to do with running the script manually to fix workflow issues or when updating from GP2013 or GP 2015.  

I have executed the script manually, first immediately after getting the error message, and then after first restoring the database from backup and then starting the update to no avail.

I have dropped all the dependency functions and procedures associated with the offending assembly, and the System.Directory.Services assembly as other blogs suggested since the update will recreate them for you, but the update still errors out at the same place. 

I notice when I run the script manually it takes a while (30-45 seconds) to run.  I thought it might be timing out, but the DEX.ini file has the timeout settings in it all set =0.  I have looked at the Event Viewer and I cannot find any errors for SQL.  I created the DEX SQL log, but the error is the same as what I get displayed on screen.

My error messages are attached.  Any help would be appreciated.


  • LarryP Profile Picture
    LarryP 2 on at
    2022 Year-end Update error on wfDeployClrAssemblies in Dynamics database
    Hi Ginger,
    In my case, I was trying to load the 2022 year-end update for a payroll customer.  At the time, the customer was running SQL 2012, which is no longer supported.  I ended up just updating the customers' tax tables and skipping the 2022 year-end update as I never found a resolution to this error.  Then, during 2023, they moved to a new server with SQL 2019, and when I loaded the 2023 year-end update, it worked fine.  I can only assume it was an issue with SQL 2012.
  • CU29041424-0 Profile Picture
    CU29041424-0 2 on at
    2022 Year-end Update error on wfDeployClrAssemblies in Dynamics database
    Can you tell me how this can be resolved, I am getting the same at a customer.
    Thank you,
  • LarryP Profile Picture
    LarryP 2 on at
    RE: 2022 Year-end Update error on wfDeployClrAssemblies in Dynamics database

    Hi Derek,

    If I run the EXEC wfDeployClrAssemblies BEFORE starting the update, it, indeed, finishes with a series of warnings, but no errors.  The update still fails when started. 

    If I run the update, let it fail, and then run the EXEC wfDeployClrAssemblies, I get the usual warnings and then a bunch of errors. as well.  

    This is a new customer to me, and I found they are ruining SQL 2012.  I may look at upgrading SQL before I try it again, although I'm not sure that's the issue...Larry

  • Suggested answer
    RE: 2022 Year-end Update error on wfDeployClrAssemblies in Dynamics database

    If you run the 'EXEC wfDeployClrAssemblies' script manually, in SQL, against your GP system database, does the script run through successfully or does it fail with errors?

    It's normal to see a series of warnings, but it should show the script ran successfully.

    This procedure drops and re-creates a number of assemblies, functions and stored procedures that Dynamics GP uses for its Workflow functionality, to include this 'Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.DocAttachEngine' assembly.

    In SQL, you'd find this under the GP system database, then by expanding Programmability > Assemblies.

    If you don't get it resolved, we may need a support case to look at it further, as it could be some setting on the SQL side as well.


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