RE: Shipment did not fully release to warehouse
+ 1 Satish
your reservation hierarchy along with storage and tracking dimension group and physical inventory setting should be well balanced
sharing some tips to check and verify
• Check location directive and ensure location directive actions are present and valid
• Ensure location directive and directive code is linked well in work template
• Ensure load posting method has been setup and includes method to reserve shipment
• If using batch enabled product, then ensure location directive has batch enabled and strategy suggested.
• location directives are failing because you are using Batch-enabled items and no location directives are flagged as batch-enabled.
• Setup location directive failure action e.g. on SO stop work processing is not fully allocated (this would not let the wave get processed successfully if the shipment cannot be fully allocated/reserved)
• Review work creation history log
• Review load posting error from load screen attached to SO line
• Review processing history in wave
• Ensure multiple SKU on pick location directive is not checked (it's meant for put type)
• Also ensure the query on location directive always uses on-hand inventory range provided by system as somehow it's used in internal processing