Here is my Javascript. I'm trying to add a character counter to a text field. I created a new_charactersremaining field as a Whole Number, Simple field type to count the number of characters.
As you can see, onload3 is supposed to call the keyPress function, but I'm getting the following error.
TypeError: Cannot set property 'onkeyup' of null
function keyPress() { var charRemaining = Xrm.Page.getAttribute('new_charactersremaining'); var message = document.getElementById('description'); var messageVal = message.value; var maxLength = 200; Xrm.Page.ui.setFormNotification("Message: ", messageVal); if (messageVal != null) { var msgLength = messageVal.length; var remaining = maxLength - msgLength; charRemaining.setValue(remaining); } else { charRemaining.setValue(maxLength); } } function onload3() { var text = Xrm.Page.getAttribute('description').getValue() if (text == null){ Xrm.Page.getAttribute('description').setValue("Text goes here."); } document.getElementById('description').onkeyup = keyPress; document.getElementById('description').onkeydown = keyPress; <!-- Xrm.Page.getAttribute('description').addOnKeyPress([keyPress]); --> }
I'm trying to follow this guys code.
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!