When try to print Payment advice for a batch, all the Payment advices are not getting printed. Few advices are missing in between.
When try to print Payment advice for a batch, all the Payment advices are not getting printed. Few advices are missing in between.
Hello Anderson Spezzano,
Can you share some screenprints of the journal form?
I am especially interesting in the payment methods used for each line, how those methods are setup and how you generated the payments.
Many thanks and best regards,
It looks like just some lines have the status "Sent", so the system is only printing it for these lines.
Hi Chirani,
What you describe sounds really strange. Are you on the latest D365FO version?
If you are not, then please have a look at LCS and the available hotfixes.
I had a quick look and found a couple of fixes related to payment advices and printing issues.
Best regards,
Hi Ludwig,
Thank you for helping me.
What happen here is if there are about 30 Payment advises in the batch, when print all the advises are not printing. It prints first 3 then next one missing, then prints another 2, next one missing. I tried printing to PDF, still the same. Every time the missing ones are not the same.
Can you share details how your payment advices are setup?
What exactly is the problem? Is the problem related to your printer setup or are the advices just not generated? If you print an advice on the screen does that work?
Best regards
Hi Chirani,
Do you receive any error messages?
Could you please provide more details?
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