Alright, so here is the deal - I have a Dynamics CRM 365 instance running on a MS Subscription Instance (I1). I also have a PowerBI service running on a separate MS Subscription Instance (I2). On I1 which holds the enterprise CRM for our organization I have dashboards build and they include Power Bi tiles and reports built and running on I2. I2 is run but a different group and they need their own subscription to there is not a possibility to get those tiles and dashboards moved to Instance 1.
Now when I am in CRM on I1 the dashboards and tiles connect fine as long as I am also logged into I2 on power BI. But if I am not logged into I2 in anyway I just get the pulsing PowerBI logo until ultimately the tiles timeout.
Question is - Is there a way for me to tie the instances together so that my PowerBI tiles on I2 will work on Dynamics Dashboards in I1 without me having to be logged into I2.