HI Team,
i would like to inform you that i am facing some issue i loading the filter entity records in the add existing popup of subgrid which is mapped to an entity.
we have three entities
Customer Entity (1 : N relation with Sites)
Sites Entity (N :1 relation with customer)
Project Entity (1:1 relation with Customer and 1: N relation with Sites)
so now open the project entity form where we have
General Tab and Sites tab.
in general tab we have customer lookup feild and in sites tab subgrid we have "Add Existing Button" on right top corner.
so when i select a customer in look up feild Under General tab in project entity and save.
then moved to site tab where when i click on "Add Existing Item" and search on Sites it is displaying all the Sites . But it should show only the related sites for the customer selected.
can you please help.
Thanks and Regards
Ravikiran G