When installing the Web Services Admin tool we received this error message: "DeployDacPac threw an exception Unable to connect to target server". The tools deployed and appear to be fine but what should I check?
When installing the Web Services Admin tool we received this error message: "DeployDacPac threw an exception Unable to connect to target server". The tools deployed and appear to be fine but what should I check?
Are you seeing this installing the Web Services Management Tools, or the Connector for Dynamics GP?
The only info I can find on this DeployDacPac message is in regards to the Connector for Dynamics GP, which was/is used to integrate data between Dynamics CRM and Dynamics GP.
As for the Web Services Management Tools, if you have Web Services installed on that machine, you do not have to also install the Mgmt Tools, as that is just putting the Dynamics Security Console and Web Services Exceptions Console on the machine, which would already be there via the Web Services installation.
The Management Tools are more if you want those two Consoles to be on a secondary machine besides the main Web Services server.
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