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Finance forum

Delete a field for multiple records

Posted on by 193
If the customer addresses is imported but found the state is not required, how to clear state for all customer addresses?
Can we achieve it by Data management?
  • Adis Profile Picture
    Adis 2,141 on at
    Delete a field for multiple records
    Sorry, I misunderstood. 
    I would suggest the following features, depending on your scenario\requirement:
    1.: Excel Add-in
    For smaller changes, use the excel add-in. Its limited, but designed for users to use it as well as for admins.
    2.: DMF
    For bigger changes, you may consider the Data export\import framework. A bit of setup is necessary here, so it pays off if it is a tasks that you will be doing periodically. Changing the data is based on your input and not on a logic\algorithm,
    3.: Custom scripts
    Coding is necessary, but you can do it without downtime or a necessary release. If the logic\algorithm is still valid, you can re-use it multiple times - although you need to do it from different companies 
    Kind regards, Adis
  • STP Profile Picture
    STP 193 on at
    Delete a field for multiple records
    This is just an example, I meant what if I wanna delete 1 field for multiple records, it could be Customer Classification Group, Credit limit, etc. How could I delete it?
  • Adis Profile Picture
    Adis 2,141 on at
    Delete a field for multiple records
    I would try the following but havent tried myself.
    Delete the address field (5) and update the addresses (6).  That should resolve the issue for all customers from the country where this address format is valid. 
    In my screenshot below you find the list which address format is linked to which country.
    Kind regards, Adis

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