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Default Values in New Address on a Customer

Posted on by 2
Wondering if anyone could advise on how to do the following and if it is possible in D365 Finance and Operations.  We would like specified values from the customer master to show as defaults on the New Address form for ship-to (Purpose:  Delivery) addresses.  Navigate to:  All Customers > select a customer that we ship to. This is the customer master.  We would like certain values from the Customer Master Invoice and Delivery fast tab to populate on New Delivery addresses by default.  
Here are some screen shots for reference:   
This is a customer we have delivery addresses on.  I have opened it to the Invoice and delivery fast tab so you can see one field we want to default onto New Delivery addresses.

As one example:  Whatever is in the Mode of delivery field on the customer master, we would like to populate on a New delivery address in the Mode of delivery field- see screenshot.  There are other values we would like to pull into the New Address form from Customer master (these will be defined by the business later).  Is it possible to do this so that these values default and do not have to be entered each time a new delivery address is added? 
Thank you,
Erin Barnhill
  • Suggested answer
    saurabh bharti Profile Picture
    saurabh bharti 14,932 Super User on at
    Default Values in New Address on a Customer
    You can try using the template options > Record info > User template 
    Not sure it can work for address or not 
  • Suggested answer
    Layan Jwei Profile Picture
    Layan Jwei 4,815 Super User on at
    Default Values in New Address on a Customer
    Hi Erin,

    so when click "create address" and the purpose was specified by delivery, then you want the mode of delivery to be auto populated from customer record?
    Did you try the "initValue" Method? and then take the "delivery mode" value from the caller which is the the customer?

    Layan Jweihan
    Please mark this answer as "Verified" if it solved your issue. In order to help others who will face a similar issue in the future

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