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Updating all child records related to a given parent.

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The construct of our inherited database is not properly normalised and in the interim we have to work with what he have.  We have a parent client record with many accounts, each account can have 'increments'  to it but unfortunately this is where the construct falls down as instead of having an account parent to many increment children, a new account is created as a further child to the parent client, example Client A, has account 1, which is incremented we then have account 1 a, another increment would be account 1 b and so forth.

Due to this we have update problems as an update to certain fields in in account 1 should also be to 1a 1b etc.  Here is my issue; without code can we make say field X when updated in account 1 also update in account 1a and account 1b.  I can't leverage the client by the way as other accounts may rightly not have the same st ups (i.e an account2 or account3).

Hope this makes sens?

Thanks Darren

  • Verified answer
    RaviKashyap Profile Picture
    RaviKashyap 55,410 on at
    RE: Updating all child records related to a given parent.


    Unfortunately there is no standard "No Code" way to achieve your requirement within Dynamics 365. You need to have some custom code. The reason is within workflow, you cannot retrieve records. There are some free third party utilities but I don't then there is any "Yet" which retrieves or perform some action on unrelated child records.

    You may explore this to find anything relevant to your business needs. Few which I can think of is Query Value, Update Children.

    Hope this helps.

  • Darren Hodkinson Profile Picture
    Darren Hodkinson 355 on at
    RE: Updating all child records related to a given parent.

    Thanks, we have a 'core account number on all'.  So are you suggesting with a workflow if core account number = core account number...?


  • Suggested answer
    bac26 Profile Picture
    bac26 2,268 on at
    RE: Updating all child records related to a given parent.

    If there is a commonality between the parent child that is vialable , you can use a workflow.  IE if "parent" = "ABC", update..

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