RE: Log Space Missing on dynamics 365 CE Online
For 1&3: Log capacity is designed to help organizations meet their auditing, compliance, and governance policies. Customers may delete audit change history for a record or a data range to reduce the log storage size. Users who have “View Audit History” and “View Audit Summary” security privileges may retrieve and display audit history. The tenant for Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement plan and application subscriptions includes by default 2GB for log capacity. There is no limit on how many years or audit log information that can be stored.
(Referred to CE Plan License Guide:
Noe users will get 10 GB of database capacity, 20 GB of file capacity, and 2 GB of log capacity by default and receive incremental capacity for each full access user added: 250 MB of database capacity, 2 GB of file, and no additional log capacity per full access user. Additional storage can be purchased at $40/GB/month for database, $2/GB/month for file and $10/GB/month of log capacity, on an as-needed basis.
Today |
Evolved Structure |
Storage |
Database |
File |
Log |
Default |
10 GB database storage |
10 GB |
20 GB |
2 GB |
Entitlement |
5 GB/20 full-access users |
250 MB/full-access user |
2 GB/full-access user |
None |
Additional storage cost |
$5/GB/month |
$40/GB/month |
$2/GB/month |
$10/GB/month |
A few things to be aware of:
- Pay close attention to the term “full user.” If your organization is Team Member license-heavy, there may be implications for your storage allotment.
- Rest assured, there is a simple method for tracking storage bucket usage. Microsoft will provide a report that shows usage, both overall and by instance. Starting April 1st, this report can be accessed through the Power Platform admin center, under the Analytics area.
You could see the license change for storage notification before April Release:
2. You could add additional storage:
3. $10/GB/month