I have this Business Unit/ Company Hierarchy to which I am trying to implement security roles.
Company 0 is the Parent Company, and Companies 1,2,3,4,5 are child companies. Each of the child companies is found in 1 or more countries.
How should I create Security Roles & Business Units for this? Should I use Teams instead?
Ex: Shall I set Company 0 as Parent Business Unit, then Companies 1,2,3,4,5 as child Business Units, and then their country-based children as Teams or also business units but children of Companies 1,2,3,4,5 respectively?
a) One of the roles for example is Business Development Lead. BDL role has CRUD permissions but over all sub-divisions of child business unit. Example: A Business Development Lead (assigned in Company 1) can perform CRUD over Company 1 - KSA, Company 1 - UAE, etc...
b) Another role is Business Development. The BD role should have CRUD permissions but only over the child business unit in their designated region (example: Company 1 - KSA). They can't perform CRUD on records by someone in Company 1 - UAE for example.
c) Area Manager: CRUD over all companies in 1 area (if designated area is KSA, the user with Area Manager role can perform Crud on Company 1 - KSA, Company 3 - KSA, and Company 5 -- KSA)
d) Regional Manager: Same as Area Manager but over multiple areas.
I would greatly appreciate any help in this matter.