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Dynamics 365 general forum

Trainned Customers staff - how to control that info

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We are an IT Software company who sell software licence and also provide a trainning for customers users; just for example, we need save the information that "John" and "Josh" was the persons trainned for 'Software xyz v1.0' on '13/03/2019' in a way to clarify future support request where we need know if the caller was one of trainned or not.

  • Suggested answer
    gdas Profile Picture
    gdas 50,089 on at
    RE: Trainned Customers staff - how to control that info

    In addition as you mentioned your company  are selling the software so you could use OOB  product entity to define the products (software license) with the associated customer data in contact entity.

    For the training details you can  to create another entity which will be  1:N relationship with contact.

    In the training entity you could  have  customer lookup( contact and account) with product lookup( create 1: N  relationship product : training) and date field . So that when you open training record you could see which customer and which product info as you provided training.

    In contact entity you can add subgrid of associated training and products(software license).

  • Suggested answer
    Kokulan Profile Picture
    Kokulan 18,052 on at
    RE: Trainned Customers staff - how to control that info


    You will normally be having the Customer details as Accounts and Contacts and your caller will most likely be a contact.

    Since contact could be trained for multiple products, you could store the training information on a custom entity.

    You could create a Custom entity called Training and have the following fields in that to record the training detail

    01. Primary name (new_name) - could have the Software Name

    02. Lookup to Contact and Account - To keep a record of who is given training and which company they belong to - having Account lookup set will help you with a lot of reporting

    03.  You could also add Trained on Date and Time

    04. You could have a lookup to Product to link your software product  or if its a custom entity lookup to that

    Once you have created this, on Contact and Account forms you can drop a subgrid to display a list of training provided.

    When you open the contact record, it will display a list of all the training provided

    When you open the account record, it will display a list of all the training provided for every single person in that company

    when you open the product record you can also see who is trained on a particular product

    Hope this helps

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