RE: Trainned Customers staff - how to control that info
You will normally be having the Customer details as Accounts and Contacts and your caller will most likely be a contact.
Since contact could be trained for multiple products, you could store the training information on a custom entity.
You could create a Custom entity called Training and have the following fields in that to record the training detail
01. Primary name (new_name) - could have the Software Name
02. Lookup to Contact and Account - To keep a record of who is given training and which company they belong to - having Account lookup set will help you with a lot of reporting
03. You could also add Trained on Date and Time
04. You could have a lookup to Product to link your software product or if its a custom entity lookup to that
Once you have created this, on Contact and Account forms you can drop a subgrid to display a list of training provided.
When you open the contact record, it will display a list of all the training provided
When you open the account record, it will display a list of all the training provided for every single person in that company
when you open the product record you can also see who is trained on a particular product
Hope this helps