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How to filter report User License Count to several user only ?

Posted on by 355
If I want to have report that telling license needed for several user, can I use User License Count ? 
I tried to filter this report, however cannot find the right way to do it.
I tried to add the join table, guess it is wrong, because when I add the email in the networkAlias, still all showing.
Any way to do it ?
The intention is, after I add users into several role, I want to know these new user I'm added, will need what license and how many.
  • Teevo Profile Picture
    Teevo 355 on at
    How to filter report User License Count to several user only ?

    In regards of this statement in Microsoft Learn:
    User license counts report
    You can use the User license counts report to get a count of required licenses per license type (for example, Team membersActivity, and Operations)
    After I ran the report, I given only 1 License Type : Operation with count is 58.

    Does it mean I'm only need 58 Operations license ?

    I also run User License Estimator and the report gave me total like this:

    Finance : 113
    SCM = 104
    Project = 1

    May I know what is the conclusion of these numbers ?

  • Suggested answer
    NikolajSorensen Profile Picture
    NikolajSorensen 1,600 on at
    How to filter report User License Count to several user only ?
    This link contains information about how to look at an individual user and see which license is triggered by their assigned security roles.
    It also shows you how to use some of the built in reports to view across all users and show you which Finance/SCM etc license is needed. 
    You do not need any custom reports to show you that, but you need to be aware of the limitations in the standard reports of course. 
  • Suggested answer
    André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 288,584 Super User on at
    How to filter report User License Count to several user only ?
    Hi Teevo,
    Your understanding is correct. Using the View permissions you can check the license of each role. Then the highest license counts. 
    In case a user will have roles with two or more base licenses, in that case, a full and attach license is required.
    E.g. Finance and Supply Chain Management.  In this example, the users need to have one of the two licenses as a base and the other as attach license.
  • Teevo Profile Picture
    Teevo 355 on at
    How to filter report User License Count to several user only ?
    Hi Andre,
    When you mentioned about "You can also manually check per assigned role what is the license requirement", may I know how ? just to make sure we have same understanding.
    Is it via Security Configuration > View Permission tab ?
    like example is this standard Role "Accounting Supervisor"
    But this will not give us the right license if lets say the person having multiple role, can I say that ? For example if person A given 2 roles: 1st need license Activity and 2nd is SCM. This person obviously need to have SCM license, for the higher between the two, right ? I'm sorry, for licenses I too not very familiar.
    Though my primary intention is how to have a summary report, to show me what licenses my user needs after I'm adding them to Roles and how many. Noted when you said it need custom report.
  • Suggested answer
    André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 288,584 Super User on at
    How to filter report User License Count to several user only ?
    Hi Teevo,
    This report is not suitable for your requirements. This report takes information from a table that gets updated only via a batch job. Once you add users to roles, the data is not directly refreshed. Besides, indeed it ignores custom applied ranges as the report builds up temporary tables. You can consider building your report or checking for ISV solutions. E.g. at To-Increase they have a Security and Compliance Studio solution including a security explorer to check access and licenses.
    You can also manually check per assigned role what is the license requirement. Exporting data via Data management is having a License column, but this has the wrong information for the current cloud SKUs.. 

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