Integrated with SharePoint .
Approval Levels are dependent on departments; for example, RS D4 two level set, for RS D1 one level permission set, and similarly levels are set to departments in department table.
In that form, the serial number is generated by Power Apps . For a single serial number, multiple items can be added, and the department should remain constant since only one department can be selected.
for example if i made entry generated serial number is 1 then for 1 multiple items can added like for 1 we cab add 4 items for RS D1 department .
Department should not fluctuate after a department is chosen; we cant add multiple department for a single serial number . new department entry should be created with new serial number .
Based on each serial number, the approval request should be sent to the appropriate approver. Instead of triggering for every item or record, the approval request should only be sent to the approver once for each item created for that serial number.
Thus, what can we do in this scenario and what kind of condition and action can we apply?
please suggest flow...…!!!!