Currently I am facing some issues while querying the oData services. I am very new to oData query syntax.
I am trying to query oData service using the following url
mysite/DataQueryGroups$select=Id,Name&$filter=IsHidden eq false&IsShared ne false&$expand=DataQueries($select=Id,Name,IsPinned;)
which returns the desired results to me. Above query basically returns all DataQueryGroups where IsHidden=false and IsShared<>false, including the its child entity DataQueries.
Now I want to add filter to the DataQueries enity to display only those resulsts where IsPinned = true. So I have tried the following query
mysite/DataQueryGroups$select=Id,Name&$filter=IsHidden eq false&IsShared ne false&$expand=DataQueries($select=Id,Name,IsPinned;$filter=IsPinned eq true;)
But this returns me the same results and it looks like its not considering the inner filter/last filter which I have specified on DataQueries entity.
I am verifying the queries using the Advanced REST client extension in Chrome
I would like to know how to filter on parent and child entities and return the fields from both.
I am finding difficulties to under this syntax. Please let me know if anybody can help me on this issue.
Currently I am using oData version
I am not sure if this is the right forum to ask my question, if not please guide me to the proper forum
Thanking you in advance
Hi Deepak KK,
What Microsoft Dynamics product are you using?
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