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configure custom entity for the interactive experience

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Hi Dynamics 365 Experts!

Im trying to configure a custom entity to display it in service hub, I have been searching in diferent documentation  and seen the following steps available for Dynamics 365 (online), version 9.x

  • Navigate to Settings -> Customization -> Customize the System
  • Navigate to the entity for which interactive service hub has to be enabled. Under General tab, there will be a check box Enable for interactive experience which is to be checked.

But when I tried this steps, can´t see the Enable for interactive experience chec box

can someone tell me how can I accomplish this task? my Dynamics 365 version is: 1612 ( (DB online

Thanks in advance!

  • Suggested answer
    Michel van den Brink Profile Picture
    Michel van den Brink 4,697 on at
    RE: configure custom entity for the interactive experience

    Hello Angel,

    You're on the right track but.. only if you were using an older version of Dynamics. Microsoft has changed this behavior and the checkbox you've enabled is only there for legacy/backwards compatibility purposes.

    To extend the new app/hubs like the 'Service Hub' (and the 'Sales Hub', etc.) you have to customize it's 'App'.

    1. Go into the Settings Area
    2. Click 'My Apps', under 'Applications' from the far right of the main menu (Site Map)

    3. Here you will see all the apps in your organization
    4. Click on the three dots icon (...) for the app/hub you want to customize
    5. Click 'Open in App Designer'


    6. Here you have the new App Designer experience, where you configure what components are in the app/hub or not
      1. To include your entity in the Service Hub, add it somewhere in the mail menu (Site Map)
      2. Click on the 'Site Map' button in the App

    7. In the Site Map Editor click-and-drag a 'Subarea' from the 'Components' sidebar on the right and place it somewhere in the menu (Site Map)


    8. Click the newly placed 'SubArea' and use the 'Properties' sidebar on the right to set 'Type' to 'Entity' and then select the entity you need


    9. Click 'Save' to save the App
    10. Click 'Publish' to trigger 'Publish all Changes' and publish your changes for real

    Ideally you would do these customization inside of your own Solution to keep them nice and tidy.

    If you already have an existing Solution, open it and click 'Apps' on the left, then click 'Add Existing' to add the 'Service Hub' app and from there double-click the app to open and follow steps 6 and further from the list above.

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