How can you export to excel your FetchXML results?
How can you export to excel your FetchXML results?
Not sure. Did you check if the audit record for that user exists. As long as the records are there, it should appear in the list.
Hi Ravi,
I have added a condition to eliminate the record limit issue:
<condition entityname="SystemUser" attribute="createdon" operator="last-x-months" value="12" />
I could then execute the fetchXML, however when I checked the results against the Audit log on CRM I found that the last logons are not correct. I have users logged on to CRM today and showing in the data table that they were not logged on since April. Any idea what went wrong?
Thank you Ravi. I tried in FetchXML Builder and it gave me this error:
AggregateQuueryRecordLimit exceeded. Cannot perform this operation.
try this:
<fetch distinct="false" no-lock="false" mapping="logical" aggregate="true" >
<entity name="audit" enableprefiltering="1" >
<attribute name="action" groupby="true" alias="action" />
<attribute name="createdon" alias="LastLogonDate" aggregate="max" />
<filter type="and" >
<condition attribute="action" operator="eq" value="64" />
<link-entity name="systemuser" from="systemuserid" to="objectid" link-type="outer" alias="SystemUser" >
<attribute name="fullname" groupby="true" alias="fullname" />
<attribute name="windowsliveid" groupby="true" alias="liveid" />
<attribute name="businessunitid" groupby="true" alias="buid" />
<attribute name="isdisabled" groupby="true" alias="disabled" />
Hi Ravi,
It did work with the Advanced FetchXML Tester and this way I could export it to excel too.
Thank you! :-)
Do you know by any chance how can adjust the Fetch XML to only display max of the createdon for all users? I'm hoping this way I could have the last log on date for all users.
Many thanks,
I tried Advance Fetch XML Tester tool and it worked as expected i.e. fetch returned me the results and I was also able to export them. It is possible that tou have more records and the tools is not able to handle those many records. Try putting a top count on your fetchxml and see if it works.
<fetch distinct="false" no-lock="false" mapping="logical" top="50" >
<entity name="audit" >
<attribute name="createdon" />
<attribute name="action" />
Hope this helps.
Hi Ravi,
Sure, here is it:
<fetch distinct="false" no-lock="false" mapping="logical" >
<entity name="audit" >
<attribute name="createdon" />
<attribute name="action" />
<attribute name="userid" />
<attribute name="objectid" />
<attribute name="objecttypecode" />
<order attribute="createdon" descending="true" />
<filter type="and" >
<condition attribute="action" operator="eq" value="64" />
<link-entity name="systemuser" from="systemuserid" to="objectid" link-type="outer" alias="SystemUser" >
<attribute name="fullname" />
<attribute name="windowsliveid" />
<attribute name="businessunitid" />
<attribute name="isdisabled" />
I had this idea from here:
Basically the end goal would be to be able to export to excel the users with their log dates and times.
Many thanks,
Can you share the fetchxml you are trying? It is also possible that the data returned is too huge and the tools are experiencing timeout?
I can't see the results in Excel when I open the XML in Excel, only the query.
With the XRM Tool Box the Export to Excel doesn't have an option to select Audit so I can't work from my FetchXML. I tried the Data Exporter, I could paste the FetchXML, but it was running for a few minutes and then it gave me a runtime error.
Are you saying you are not getting the option to ecport to excel in any of these plugin?
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