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How the Outstanding Bank Transaction and the Outstanding checks amounts are calculated

Posted on by 23
Hi BC community,
I have a question about the Outstanding Bank Transaction and the Outstanding checks amounts shown in the header in the bank account reconciliation report.
Basically, when running a test report for the bank account reconciliation, the outstanding bank transactions and outstanding checks in the header shows "wrong" amounts.

We expected to see -255,175.63 in the Outstanding Bank Transactions and -15,575.14 in the Outstanding checks in the header, as is shown in the report session related to outstanding transaction
I also filtered the nonmatched transaction in the bank account reconciliation which will bring me the outstanding transaction and it gives us the expected amount -270.751.67 which is the sum of -255,175.63 (Outstanding Bank Transactions) + -15,575.14 Outstanding checks)
So, I am wondering how or where the 65,393.61 and -61,261.73 are calculated in the report header regarding the Outstanding Transactions.
I truly appreciate any help on this
  • Suggested answer
    Valentin Castravet Profile Picture
    Valentin Castravet 6,369 Super User on at
    How the Outstanding Bank Transaction and the Outstanding checks amounts are calculated
    Suspect this is historical transaction reconcile with old bank recon program that does not update "Closed At Date" field yet. 
    It looks like you are correct, the issue is because of the Closed at Date. The older method of reconciliation without auto match did not populate this field while the new method does. I have verified this in a few environments. 
    Will Microsoft fix this loophole? or Partner have to step in to patch data put in the "Closed at Date" on all the reconciled bank historical transaction? 
    Microsoft probably will after a while. Partners can fix if its urgent. 
  • RB-14061225-0 Profile Picture
    RB-14061225-0 3 on at
    How the Outstanding Bank Transaction and the Outstanding checks amounts are calculated
    We have the same problem which has also only started this month for our May reconciliations.
    We don't have any outstanding transactions within the reconciliation, they are only showing on the bank reconciliation test report. I have a feeling it has to do with the opening entries we made, when we migrated our bank balances to this system from our previous one in 2022.
  • Suggested answer
    Yani Profile Picture
    Yani 6 on at
    How the Outstanding Bank Transaction and the Outstanding checks amounts are calculated
    Hi Team,
    Update, sorry my mistake, I overlook the code. 
    After re-look, found the Outstanding bank transaction details took from bank ledger with filter
     Bank Account No. = Bank Recon bank account no
     Closed at Date = '' | > Bank Recon Statement Date
     Reversed = no
     Statement No. = <>Bank Recon Statement No.
     Posting Date = ..Bank Recon Statement Date
    With above filter we manage to found the $5.7M that appear as the Outstanding Bank Transaction.
    All these data has posting date before 1st October 2022. Suspect this is historical transaction reconcile with old bank recon program that does not update "Closed At Date" field yet. 
    When the new program auto enable this month, all these historical transaction treated as "Outstanding transaction" by the new bank recon report. 

    Will Microsoft fix this loophole? or Partner have to step in to patch data put in the "Closed at Date" on all the reconciled bank historical transaction? 
  • Yani Profile Picture
    Yani 6 on at
    How the Outstanding Bank Transaction and the Outstanding checks amounts are calculated
    Hi Team,
    We also have similar issue on report ID 1407. The Bank Recon - Test report (not yet post) for May, Bank Reconciliation show there is Outstanding Bank Transaction show $5.7M.
    But for this bank, all transaction up to April 24 have been reconciled, only data dated on May 24 is open and all is matched in the bank reconciliation screen, no un-reconcile item. There is no posted data after May 24 yet. There is no outstanding bank transaction for this bank. 
    From below bank recon screenshot, bank balance should be the one highlight on left side in yellow $4.9M, and not the Subtotal or bank account balance of $10.7 M on the right side. 
    We also did not use the cheque ledger module for this bank, no unposted journal. We are very puzzle on where the outstanding amount come about. 
    This issue start happen only on this month when do reconcile for May. Before that is ok, the outstanding bank transaction is $0 amount which is correct. 
    Looking at the code, for the calculation on variable "TotalOutstdBankTransac"  and found below code which seems did not filter out those bank ledger that has been closed. 

    Appreciate any helps / enlighten on this issue. 
  • CM-13062325-0 Profile Picture
    CM-13062325-0 2 on at
    How the Outstanding Bank Transaction and the Outstanding checks amounts are calculated
    We have the same issue. I tested on the sandbox with the bank account should not have any outstanding transactions. On the test report (Report ID 1408), even if I selected to show the outstanding amount, no detail was shown on the report. However, when I posted the bank rec, outstanding transactions were listed on the report (Report ID 1407). Those outstanding transactions shown on the report were all closed status on the bank ledger entries and reconciled in the past. Not all the reconciled transactions were shown as outstanding, but many of past reconciled transactions were now showing as outstanding and cannot be reconciled again since it's been reconciled. 
    It appeared to me that the outstanding balance that should not show matched to the bank balance as of 10/31/2022. Therefore, these reconciled transaction prior to 10/31/2022 were somehow pulled into the report. 

    The issue started to happen this month. These outstanding transactions on the report were not showed on the report last month. 
    I'd like to also know how these reconciled transactions now show on the bank rec report. 
  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 63,033 Super User on at
    How the Outstanding Bank Transaction and the Outstanding checks amounts are calculated
    Hi,  In fact, the data comes from table 271 "Bank Account Ledger Entry", you can export the data in it for comparison.
    Hope this can give you some hints.

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