Hi all,
I've got a issue with the Content Access Level(CAL) function for KB articles. I want to restrict access to a select few KB articles to only 4 uses with the correct content access level roles. I've being doing some tests by creating some dummy KB articles and setting the Content Access Level to Premium Users and publishing the KB article.
I then quickly check the Portal website and find that the article is visible under the "Most Recent Articles" section of the home page and is searchable. I have already updated the Site Settings for KnowledgeManagement/ContentAccessLevel/Enabled to "True" (see screenshot below).
I'm planning to clear the Portal Cache later today to see if this resolves the issue but can't at the moment as it's a live portal.
Could I also check something in regards to KB assignment of CALs. I've noticed most of the KB articles published don't have any CALs assigned, not even the default one. If I clear the cache and CALs then works. Will it hide the KB articles without any CAL associated to it also?
Kind regards.