I have a such scenario:
- Email written to abc@abc.com
- a new Case is created
- Case is assigned to "Default123" customer ("Default123" is an existing record in account entity)
- New contact is created ("From" field from email is used), This contact is added to "Default" customer as a contact). If contact exists, just a new email as activity is added to this contact.
The required output is to have one account "Default123" with many contacts from incoming emails.
- If the contact does not exist is CRM - works OK (new case created, new contact created, email added to contact/case as activity)
- If the case with this contact exists in CRM, and the contact writes new email (the same subject) - works OK (case is updated, email added to contact/case as activity)
- if the case with this contact exists in CRM, however a contact wites a new email (different subject from existing case) - I get a error message in system jobs workflows
"The specified contact doesn't belong to the contact that was specified in the customer field. Remove the value from the contact field, or select a contact associated to the selected customer, and then try again."