Hi community,
I am trying to find some example on how to create Model-Driven Canvas app in PowerPlatform and synchronise this with Dynamics 365 For Finance. Please note that am I asking this question for 365 For Finance forum as data eventually should be available in 365 for Finance. I have already set up Dual-Write and Virtual Entity, not sure what way we should prefer in future, at this moment my goal is to create some PowerApp canval or model driven to be able to create a header and lines, for example for sales table.
Can you people share some example on how to create power App which will create header+lines data in F&O ? For example when I tried with Sales order I had troubles with assigning generated by number sequence sales order Id.
Please any input would be appreciatied, I tried to google any example and there are some nice articles for dual-write, but they never show how to import SalesTable and SalesLines for example