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Onboarding worker checklist header entity import validation error

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I'm attempting to import worker onboarding checklist history (i.e. checklist "Right to work" for worker Jane Doe had task "Passport scan stored" completed) using the two data entities Onboarding worker checklist header and Onboarding worker checklist task, but the first of these is failing in the copy from staging to target, with the message Results. insert not allowed for field 'HcmOnboardingWorkerChecklistHeaderEntity.ChecklistId':

Looking at the properties of the entity, I'd read that to mean it can be inserted:
The staging table gives a bit more of a hint that maybe it's possible with the Allow Edit property, but given Allow Edit On Create is Yes, I'd have thought that would be OK


Given I can see the record in the staging table, it feels like the message might be misleading, so I've looked at the ultimate destination, namely the BusinessProcessHeader table, and if only the error referred to that table rather than the entity, it would make sense

Would folks agree this is ultimately confirmation that these entities can't be used for import? If so, anyone have experience of an alternative approach to import the history of worker checklist tasks please?

  • Verified answer
    Rich Profile Picture
    Rich 273 on at
    RE: Onboarding worker checklist header entity import validation error

    Thanks André.  Microsoft have conceded this is a product issue: suggested workaround is to use the Office integration to publish records from Excel. It's a bit painful in that the Guids will be shown in Excel once the header record has been created, and those Guids then need to be copied over to an equivalent Worker onboarding checklist task Excel spreadsheet and duplicated for each worker task. I've made the point to MS that allowing DMF to use either pre-generated Guids or an external "natural key" that can cross-reference between header & task & discussions continue.

  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 291,904 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    RE: Onboarding worker checklist header entity import validation error

    Hi Rich,

    I had a look at the entity and this field is the primary key for the import. So, it should have a value provided in the source file. There is no additional coding on the entity to manage the contents of this field.

    As you are stuck with this import, I would suggest to log an incident for Microsoft Support.

  • Rich Profile Picture
    Rich 273 on at
    RE: Onboarding worker checklist header entity import validation error

    Thanks for highlighting: I could have explained in more detail what I'd tried.

    1. Having no ChecklistID field in the input file means that the data doesn't even make it to staging, with the Execution log recording the Log text

    The column  in entity Onboarding worker checklist header has incorrect data. Please correct the data and try the import again.
    '0' 'Onboarding worker checklist header' record(s) inserted in staging

    I've always found this particular message annoying: there are clearly two spaces between "column" and "in entity", so it looks like Microsoft have got an unpopulated parameter in the string concatenation. I've always assumed it's a field label when the field in question has no label, but given the entity field has a label, the staging table field has a label, and the actual data source table field is an EDT with a label, I'm not sure that theory holds water. Of course, it could be referring to a different field, but scenario 4 below suggests not

    2. Having the field included, but an empty value, gives the same Log text above

    3. Supplying an "empty guid", i.e. {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}, again, gives the same Log text above

    4. Generating a guid in the staging data & attempting to insert that gives the Results. insert not allowed for field 'HcmOnboardingWorkerChecklistHeaderEntity.ChecklistId': staging message

    My thinking was that the last of these was most likely to be meaningful, because the Onboarding worker checklist task data entity has the ChecklistID column as a foreign key for the child > parent (task > header) relationship, and there's no other key readily apparent in the header data entity.

  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 291,904 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    RE: Onboarding worker checklist header entity import validation error

    Hi Rich,

    Can you tell which value(s) you are using for the field ChecklistID? Does it contain a value in your source file? If not, try to remove the column from the source file.

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