I'm attempting to import worker onboarding checklist history (i.e. checklist "Right to work" for worker Jane Doe had task "Passport scan stored" completed) using the two data entities Onboarding worker checklist header and Onboarding worker checklist task, but the first of these is failing in the copy from staging to target, with the message Results. insert not allowed for field 'HcmOnboardingWorkerChecklistHeaderEntity.ChecklistId':
Looking at the properties of the entity, I'd read that to mean it can be inserted:
The staging table gives a bit more of a hint that maybe it's possible with the Allow Edit property, but given Allow Edit On Create is Yes, I'd have thought that would be OK
Given I can see the record in the staging table, it feels like the message might be misleading, so I've looked at the ultimate destination, namely the BusinessProcessHeader table, and if only the error referred to that table rather than the entity, it would make sense
Would folks agree this is ultimately confirmation that these entities can't be used for import? If so, anyone have experience of an alternative approach to import the history of worker checklist tasks please?