I'm stuck into one my project where there is an EDI true commerce integration for Sales order data transmission, into that one of the customer of my project client is using walmart EDI integration and my project client is using true commerce EDI integration so there an issue arise while transforming sales order data, my issue is that when Sales order is transfer from that it will send into XML 850 format which is successfully inserted into system , but when they made any changes the same file also received into XML 850 format , rather than XML 860 this format can raised an issue of creating an other sales order of same item details instead of updating an existing one.
As Andre said, this is not a standard feature of the system. You can consult your partner or considering consulting with an EDI solution provider (TrueCommerce) to see if specific configuration options or adjustments are required to meet this requirement.
EDI solutions are not part of the standard application, these are sold and supported by ISVs. As you are mentioning "true commerce EDI", I think you should contact your partner or TrueCommerce Support.
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