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deduction of sales order order discount from customer rebate amount for each sales oder

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hi there is custom form (Customer rebate form)
THere are 2 rebate amount against same customer (1000, 2000), with unique number sequence (Voucher NUm are CRB-0000063 & CRB-0000065)
there is another sales order system form where sales order and discounts are there
i am developing inquiry as 
for each sales order of customer, its deduction is like
For 1st rebate amount (1000), for 1st voucher CRB-0000063
creating sales order with this voucher
S1 -> customerrebate.amount - salestable.discountAmount  //1000-500 =500
S2 -> customerrebate.amount - salestable.discountAmount //500 - 300=200
S3 -> customerrebate.amount - salestable.discountAmount //200 - 200=0
until it becomes 0
for next rebate amount(2000) , for next voucher CRB-0000065
creating ssals order with next voucher 
then next rebate amount will be start whom to deduction from (2000)
like S4 -> customerrebate.amount - salestable.discountAmount //2000 - 100=1900
so on
my question is how to get it as there is common relation of customer rebate form and inquiry form (cust id [which is repeted for different rebate maount]) and also common custid betwen sales tbale and cusotmer rebate form
i have given voucher num into sales order (Which is also repeated for sales order against same cusotmers)
if i have given rebate amount into inquiry table which is also repeted for sales order 
can anyone help me. i am stuck on it from a week.

here is in column of rebate amount 3000 (which is Sum of 1s rebate & 2nd rebate amount)
cust rebate form
  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 291,971 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    deduction of sales order order discount from customer rebate amount for each sales oder
    Hi Dyn US,
    Can you provide a mockup of the desired lines using e.g. Excel? I'm not able to understand if you currently shared the required Customer inquiry or if this is your attempt with errors. Do you need in your example 4 lines or more with what values?

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