My company are very conscious about data loss as it is a very competitive industry and there are often a lot of cases of salespeople leaving a company and going to another one with customer/prospect data.
I can mitigate against this generally by disabling exporting to Excel and implementing sensitivity labelling, but one of the things our board are keen on is that users can only see customer data that is relevant to them. For example a salesperson will only see the accounts that he owns, and a sales manager will only see the accounts that either he or his business unit owns.
The above has proved trivial to set up, but where it falls down is activities. We want users to be able to see all the activity associated with their account, not just the activities that they own, so that they can get a 360 view of their customer - however I don't seem to be able to do this without allowing them access to view all activities across the organisation which I do not want as there may be sensitive notes or emails.
Is it possible to give a user read access to ALL activities regarding records that they own (e.g. accounts, contacts, leads etc.) without giving them read access to all activities across the entire organisation?