I have enabled Bing maps within the Contact entity, however the location on the map is being driven by 'Address Line 1' rather than the 'Postal Code' field - how do I change this?
I have enabled Bing maps within the Contact entity, however the location on the map is being driven by 'Address Line 1' rather than the 'Postal Code' field - how do I change this?
Hi James,
It seems like an expected behaviour and unfortunately I don't think there is any way to change this behaviour. Like any other address functionality, when you search, it will search based on the first few characters which in this case is address line 1. To me, it make more sense to search it based on line 1 instead of postal code as with postal code, you will get multiple results hense it may not be accurate as compared to searching with line 1.
Hope this helps.
Only address fields can be mapped with Bing maps control. You can switch between address1 and address2.
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