Dynamics 365 v9 (latest update). I have 3 async on demand workflows firing on stage exit of a stage in a BPF. I have been experiencing intermittent behaviour with the firing multiple times (sometimes over 15 times!). I saw a previous blog post on this and it seemed to relate to the number of saves done to the BPF, almost like it was storing up a version history of them and firing every one of them. Anyway, that behaviour seemed to calm down so I left it. It has returned however, and rather than fight it, I just wanted to remove the workflows and have them triggered in a different way. I removed workflow 1 from the BPF, amended it to be not on demand, triggered on the field I am interested in, however now the BPF will not function and complains the workflow is not on demand. So it is still trying to call it even though it is removed entirely from the BPF. Even more worrying, it is trying to call workflows I have moved to different stages some time ago!
I know I could nuke the BPF and create another one, but since they became their own entity this is a non trivial exercise with data already in production in use.
Anybody seen this before and know any resolution? I have logged a ticket with MS in the meantime.