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Employee Expense Reports and Corporate Credit Cards

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I have the KnowledgeBase article on how to reimburse employees for expenses.
But, what sort of employee expense reports can you generate from Business Central?  Or, do you simply export to Excel from Employee Ledger Entries?
Also, if any employee uses a corporate credit card when paying for an expense, how does this transaction get reconciled in Business Central Bank Reconciliation?
  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 60,267 Super User on at
    Employee Expense Reports and Corporate Credit Cards
    Hi, there are not many reports and functions for Employee in the standard system.
    For example,
    And Microsoft has only recently added support for foreign currencies in the Employee module.
    Business Central 2024 wave 1 (BC24): Use currencies when posting employee transactions
    I have seen partners considering integration with Dynamics 365 Human Resources, but since there is no standard connector, this requires a lot of development.
    Alternatively, you could consider the solution on AppSource mentioned by gdrenteria.
    Hope this helps.
  • gdrenteria Profile Picture
    gdrenteria 2,829 Super User on at
    Employee Expense Reports and Corporate Credit Cards
    I hope it can give you an idea.
    In any case, also to improve the expense and employee management process, there are currently some solutions in the appsource that can help you.

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