I've just deployed Forecaster 7.0 (SP3, CU4) Web Access, and I'm trying to configure the Forecaster virtual directory to use Integrated WIndows authentication, but it just doesn't seem to want to work. Basic Authentication works, but it involves an extra signon step: users have to enter their DOMAIN\username and DomainPassword every time they access Forecaster. I had a look at the (Classic ASP?!?) code behind the login page, which seems to date back to late 2003, but it relies on an embedded object (forecastersign.ocx), so it looks like patching the code myself isn't an option. :(
FWIW, this is on IIS 6.0 on a Windows Server 2003 R2 box that's dedicated to Forecaster Web Access. The Forecaster database is on a separate (dedicated SQL Server) box on the same LAN. Basic Authentication seems to work fine, but switching to Integrated Windows authentication causes the login to fail every time, for any user, with the standard "invalid user name or passsword" error displayed. :( :(
Has anyone managed to get this to work? Any advice welcome!
Dan Rochman, n-Trick Pony