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Getting error when exporting data in data management customer v3 entity

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Hi Team,
i have added 4 fields in customersv3 entity and full build and synch everything is done and those fields are visible in generate mapping as well. However when I am attempting to export data, it is throwing two errors. 
1. export execution failed for entity customer v3 : export failed while copying data from staging to target.
2. Error labelid:
please guide me how i can fix this and if debug is needed that then how can I debug it.
  • Layan Jwei Profile Picture
    Layan Jwei 7,671 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    Getting error when exporting data in data management customer v3 entity
    Hi Karuna,

    If we take it step by step. Before you added those fields was the export working?
    you can shelve your code, remove the fields build and sync and try to export and see what happens. If it works, then maybe add just one field and see what happens etc..

    Layan Jweihan
    Please mark this answer as "Verified" if it solved your issue. In order to help others who will face a similar issue in the future
  • Karuna Dogra Profile Picture
    Karuna Dogra on at
    Getting error when exporting data in data management customer v3 entity
    Please help
  • Karuna Dogra Profile Picture
    Karuna Dogra on at
    Getting error when exporting data in data management customer v3 entity

    EventiName executioniD dataProject source entity Name


    ExportioFile test customer1-2023-11-08100:59:39-FC48FBBC4A84B008FDC8583016131E2 test customer


    DMFGenerateSSISPackage.generaterileDataveinner customers V3


    targetEntity Name message executionContext


    exceptionDetails Source: HResult: 0x80131604 Details: System. Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been


    thrown by the target of an invocation. --- System.Exception at


    Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Tools. DMF.ServiceProxy.DmfEntitySharedTypesProxy.DoWork[TI(Func1 work) at Dynamics.AX.Application. DMFGenerateSSISPackage.generateFileDataV2Inner (OMFDefinitionGroupExecution_dmfDefinitionGroupexecution,String_detGroupName,DMFFileFormat _fileformat, DMFDelimiter _rowDelimiter, DMFDelimiter _columnDelimiter, String _codePage, String _locale, NoYes_isfirstRowHeader, NoYes _unicode, String _source, String _ textQualifier, DMFXMLStyle_style, String _rootelement, String _filePath, Map _entitySyncVersion, int32 -previewCount, Boolean _updateOnError) in xppSource://Source/ApplicationFoundation\AxClass_DMFGenerateSSISPackagexpp:line 1504 ---Endof inner exception stack trace --- Source: Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Tools. DMF.ServiceProxy HResult:


    Qx60131500 Detalls: System.exception at


    Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Tools. DMF.ServiceProxy.DmfEntitySharedTypesProxy.DoWork[TI(Func'1 work) at Dynamics.Ax.Application.DMFGenerateSSISPackage.generateFileDataV2Inner (DMFDetinitionGroupExecution_dmtDefinitionGroupExecution, String _defGroupName, DMFFileFormat


    -fileFormat, DMFDelimiter _rowDelimiter, DMFDelimiter _columnDelimiter, String _codePage, String_locale, NoYes _isFirstRowHeader, NoYes _unicode, String _source, String _textQualifier, DMXMLStyle_style, String _roottlement, String _filePath, Map _entitySyncVersion, Int32 -previewCount, Boolean _updateOnError) in xoDSource://Source/Abolicationfoundation\AxClass DMFGenerateSSISPackagexonline1504

  • Karuna Dogra Profile Picture
    Karuna Dogra on at
    Getting error when exporting data in data management customer v3 entity

    EventName executioniD dataProject source entityName


    ServiceCallerError test customer1-2023-11-08T00:59:39-FC48FBBCAA84B008FDC8583016131E2 test customer




    Customers V3


    targetEntityName message executionContext


    exceptionDetails Source: Microsoft.Dynamics.AX. Framework.Tools. DMF ServiceProxy HResult: 0x80131500 Details:


    System.Exception at




    work) at Dynamics.Ax.Application.DMFGenerateSSISPackage.generateFileDataVZInner (DMFDefinitionGroupExecution_dmfDefinitionGroupExecution,String_detGroupName,DMFFileFormat _fileFormat, DMFDelimiter _rowDelimiter, DMFDelimiter _columnDelimiter, String _codePage, String _locale, NoYes _isFirstRowHeader, Noves _unicode, String _source, String _textQualifier, DMXMLStyle _style, String _rootElement, String _tilePath, Map _entitySyncVersion, Int32 -previewCount, Boolean _updateOnError) in xppSource://Source/ApplicationFoundation\AxClass_DMFGenerateSSISPackage.xppline 1504


    SqlQuery details parameters


    ( "Company": "40", "ErrorCode": "DMF2009", "OperationMode": "Batch" 1 ["labelld":


    **', "localizedErrorMessage", "error labelld: " "_timeOut": 12000, "_timeOutName": "Sq| command


    timeout non-BYOD (in seconds) ,


    "staging Table": "CustCustomerV3Staging"

  • Karuna Dogra Profile Picture
    Karuna Dogra on at
    Getting error when exporting data in data management customer v3 entity
    Event logs: 1-



    - EventData executionID originator entityName batchHeaderld batchTaskld


    test customer1-2023-11-08T00:59:39-FC48FBBCAA84B008FDC8583016131E2



    Customers V3





    diagnosticsMessage Error: Execution failed: Export failed while copying data from staging to target:

    Event log 2: -








    error labelld:

    test customer1-2023-11-08T00:59:39-FC48FBBC4AA84B008FDC8583016131E2



    Customers V3

    a Microsott.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Tools.DMF.SSISHelper.DMFEntity.LogAndThrowNonByodException


    (Exception ex) at Microsoft. Dynamics.AX. Framework. Tools. DMF.SSIS Helper. DMFEntity. ExportDatalmpl0y at






    (DMFEntity Contract entityContract)

  • Karuna Dogra Profile Picture
    Karuna Dogra on at
    Getting error when exporting data in data management customer v3 entity
    Hi Kevin and Komi,
    Thanks a lot for responding.
    I have tried all these steps and checked the things you suggested. but still getting the same error.
    I am attaching the event los can you pls help me by suggesting what I should perform next. 
  • Suggested answer
    Komi Siabi Profile Picture
    Komi Siabi 12,759 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Getting error when exporting data in data management customer v3 entity
    In addition to Kevin's advice, you should refresh the entity list and retry the export.

    Data management > Framework parameters > Entity settings > Refresh entity list.


    If this helped you, I would appreciate it if you would mark this as a Verified Answer, which may in turn help others as well

  • Suggested answer
    Kevin Xia Profile Picture
    Kevin Xia Microsoft Employee on at
    Getting error when exporting data in data management customer v3 entity

    Best regards,

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