we are planning to introduce Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations globally in our group. We intend to use different Local Chart of Accounts in each entity and one Global Chart of Accounts globally for consolidation...
Is there a way to use both, Local Account Number PLUS Local Dimension (here a cost center = department), to define the corresponding Global Account?
Example: In Germany we use only one (1) Local Account for travel expenses but we use different Local Dimensions (departments) to define, where these costs occurred. We post travel expenses of Selling on this single Local Account and Local Dimension = Selling, Travel expenses of Admin are posted on the same single Local Account but on Local Dimension = Admin. Travel expenses of Selling then should flow into Global Account A ("Selling - travel expenses"), while travel expenses of Admin should flow into Global Account B ("Admin - travel expenses").
Mapping of Local Chart of Accounts to Global Chart of Accounts by using Local Account AND Dimension
There are two alternative ways to handle the consolidation process:
- Manage report: we can set the global main account in a financial dimension. Then, for each local main account, we have to do the mapping with the global financial dimension value. This is the case where we want to manage the consolidation throughout the financial report. The mapping should be done before the transaction posting:
Mapping of Local Chart of Accounts to Global Chart of Accounts by using Local Account AND Dimension
Hi Rainer,
There is no support for moving different transactions to two different main accounts depending on a dimension using the consolidation feature. You can consider a customization.
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