I am trying to get a list of all available connection roles for each connection role where the category is 'Family'
the FetchXML I am trying to use is as follows
<fetch top="250" >
<entity name="connectionrole" >
<attribute name="name" />
<filter type="and" >
<condition attribute="categoryname" operator="eq" value="Family" />
<link-entity name="connectionroleassociation" from="connectionroleid" to="connectionroleid" alias="ConnectionLink" intersect="true" >
<link-entity name="connectionrole" from="connectionroleid" to="associatedconnectionroleid" alias="ConnectionTo"/>
<attribute name="name" />
If I leave out the Red Attribute name, it gives me back the correct number of records, but only the name from the left side of the join
If I put in the Red-Attribute Name, I get the following Error
An error occured: 'ConnectionRoleAssociation' Entity contain attribute with Name = 'name'
I know it does not, that's why I am doing a link-entity to the connectionrole with an alias
Help !!!!!!!