RE: User Authorisation is not valid error : Unable to access all forms and process of a specific entity after deleting a field and creating other ones
Hi Ravi,
In fact the problem had nothing to do with deleting or adding new fields, it was actually a problem on the form level, because the moment when i was drag and droping a field into the main form of the entity, one of my collegues at work clicked the button publish.
Before the error "User Authorisation is not valid error" started to appear and right after the other person clicked on publish, on the section here i was droping the field which is a section contain two columns only, Actually the field dropped in a third column in the section the thing that is impossible in general. after that immediatly the error started to show up. It was because the definition of the form is not valid since a section of two columns can not contain three columns.
To resolve the problem i exported the solution and i had to look at the customization.xml, and i found that a section contains an additional XML tag on my form. so i had to delete the whole TAB that contains the section, and reimport the solution that contained the FORM in question only.
This error is really rare to happen i guess, but it may happens. As a good practice when someone wants to publish, it would be better to notify the whole team just to avoid any kind of conflicts.
Thank you a lot for your help Guys :)