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Cant create a new Sandbox

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Posted on by 32
in the /Dynamics 365 Business Central admin center/ we are running two environments of the type sandbox. I decided to delete one sandbox and create a new copy of the production environment. To create a copy of the production environment you have to use the copy function, add a name and the type sandbox. I re-used the name of the deleted sandbox /Sandbox_IT/ and was prompted with the following message:
Copy Environment
This will create a copy of the environment with the name 'Production' of
type 'Production'. The new environment will have the name 'Sandbox_IT'
and be of type 'Sandbox'. Are you sure you want to schedule a copy of
the specified environment now?
I hit the YES button to confirm and was prompted with the error message:
The provided environment name is not valid. The provided environment name
'Production' is not valid because The specified name is a reserved term.
Tracking ID: ###
Correlation ID: ###
Choosing a different name has no effect, the error message will trigger again. Last time the copy function worked was around two weeks ago.
More Info:
Application Version: 23.5.16502.16589
Used Storage capacity: ~50GB of 245GB
1 of 3 Sandboxes
Anyone knows how to circumvent the error?
Edit: Recovering the deleted sandbox still works.
  • Chris Net Profile Picture
    Chris Net 32 on at
    Cant create a new Sandbox
    Yes, the error message no longer appears. 
  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 60,263 Super User on at
    Cant create a new Sandbox
    Hi, I just tested it and it seems to have been fixed.
  • Suggested answer
    Chris Net Profile Picture
    Chris Net 32 on at
    Cant create a new Sandbox
    Thank you for the information. I guess it must be some kind of bug, I will escalate the problem and hope for a fix.
  • Verified answer
    gdrenteria Profile Picture
    gdrenteria 2,827 Super User on at
    Cant create a new Sandbox
    There seems to be a problem in general, it's probably a bug.
    I found this message on Linkedin.
    I'm looking in Viva to see if there is any notice. But I can't find it.
  • gdrenteria Profile Picture
    gdrenteria 2,827 Super User on at
    Cant create a new Sandbox
    This should not happen, as indicated in your case. It is likely that your administration environment has a problem.
    I remember a similar case but that has already been overcome in later versions.
    I suggest that you create a specific case to Microsoft, indicating what was mentioned in your case, the date, time, environment names and messages.

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