We have 3 legal entities , we are able to see in one company the PO amount in the Purchase order Workflow dropdown what we have in the PO line level. But in other 2 legal entities the amount in Purchase order workflow including GST, suppose we have PO amount 4999 but it getting calculating somewhere and displaying as 5498.90.
We tried to compare the setups in all legal entities but those looks similar.
Please advice us how to we check the amount discrepancies in PO workflow drop down.
Purchase order amount in Workflow dropdown is different in different legal entities - D365F&O
Thank you Danny for your help,
We have compared the values from Workflow Placeholder area and found that both companies are having the different values, we have update and able to see the similar values now in Purchase order workflow instructions.
Purchase order amount in Workflow dropdown is different in different legal entities - D365F&O
You probably know that these are "%..% indicate placeholders configured on the Workflow Basic Settings to be displayed when Submitting. Can't find these fields in my environment but could be an issue of version, localization or personalization.
Have you checked the Totals for each Purchase Orders to see which calculated field is being pulled and what could be the difference between the POs of each Legal Entities (exchange rate, discount, charges, taxes, ...)?
Purchase order amount in Workflow dropdown is different in different legal entities - D365F&O
Hi Andre,
Thanks for the inputs,
We checked the below 2 points and these are same in all companies.
Found the below code from where this text is getting displayed, but unable to check the exact calculation code or field , tried to check all PurchTable classes and PurchTable tables.
PurchTable.parmCalcDeltaInvoiceAmount - Looks like it is comimg somewhere from Workflows.
Could you please help me in find the above code or field to check the calculation behind the displayed value.
Purchase order amount in Workflow dropdown is different in different legal entities - D365F&O
Hi Akbar,
Can you provide some more information? Are all legal entities using the same accounting currency? Is the currency on the orders the same?
If this is related to GST calculation, then check all Tax related settings, including the option to have prices incl. Tax or not.
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