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D365 Multi Tenant vs One Tenant

Posted on by 5


I have several questions regarding Tenants in Dynamics 365.

 Can I have multiple companies in one tenant despite the fact that the companies may be as diverse as Consumer Goods, Wholesale, Retail, Production, Services? Can they all be in the same environment  or should I have one environment per company? Can I actually have multiple environments in one tenant?  One environment = 1 Production Database?

 Security wise,  can I implement Data Security (Row, Columns) for multiple companies in one environment? (i.e. One set of user can only access Company A,  another set Company B and another set both companies A and B).

 Can each company be configured differently even though they are in the same Tenant and environment? (i.e. Different Master Data configuration per company, Dimensions, etc)

 Pros and Cons of Single Tenant-Many Companies vs One Tenant per company?  In our case the companies operate in the same geographical region.

 Thanks in advance for you help.

  • AVBC Profile Picture
    AVBC 5 on at
    RE: D365 Multi Tenant vs One Tenant

    Thank you very much Lu!  Doubts have been clarified!

  • Verified answer
    LuHao Profile Picture
    LuHao 40,844 on at
    RE: D365 Multi Tenant vs One Tenant

    Hi partner,

    When you refer Organizational Areas and business units,  that is within one Legal Entity (Company), correct? This means that if I have multiple Legal Entities in 1 Environment I will  then have multiple Organizational Areas, (one per legal entity)?


    Let's say there are 3 business units in an environment, they are BU1, BU2, BU3.

    BU1 is the parent business unit of BU2.

    There are 3 users, User A, User B and User C, each within 3 business units.

    For the Account entity in the security role, 3 users all have the Business Unit (or Parent Child Business Unit) level Read privilege.


    1. User A (BU1) can access Accounts of both BU1 and BU2, cannot access BU3.
    2. User B (BU2) can access Accounts of BU2. cannot access BU1 and BU3.
    3. User C (BU3) can access Accounts of BU3. cannot access BU1 and BU2.
    4. If there is another User whose Account Read privilege is Organization level (higher than Business Unit level), then this user can access all business units.

    From what I understood from your explanation,  I cannot have a separate Product Master Data for each legal entity (company) if those companies are under the same production environment in 1 Tenant? If this is so,  is it possible then to have several production environments (one per company) but all in 1 tenant?

    For Product entity in the security role, it only has two level privilege, None and Organization. So you cannot separate Product Master Data for each business unit (company) in an environment.

    Yes, you can have several production environments (one per company) but all in 1 tenant. However, since each environment = each database, you cannot show records across environments in a single internal report, only one report can correspond to one environment.

    You have to use Power Bi to create a report across environments.

  • AVBC Profile Picture
    AVBC 5 on at
    RE: D365 Multi Tenant vs One Tenant

    Hi Lu,

    Thank you very much for your answer.  

    When you refer Organizational Areas and business units,  that is within one Legal Entity (Company), correct? This means that if I have multiple Legal Entities in 1 Environment I will  then have multiple Organizational Areas, (one per legal entity)?

    From what I understood from your explanation,  I cannot have a separate Product Master Data for each legal entity (company) if those companies are under the same production environment in 1 Tenant? If this is so,  is it possible then to have several production environments (one per company) but all in 1 tenant?

    Again thank you very much for you input.

  • Verified answer
    LuHao Profile Picture
    LuHao 40,844 on at
    RE: D365 Multi Tenant vs One Tenant

    Hi partner,

    One environment = one database.

    The feature used to differentiate the scope of data accessible to users is the security role, which has five levels, the highest being the Organization level, followed by the business unit level.


    Usually, in an environment, we divide the different organizational areas by business units. Users with Organization level permissions for an entity can see all data (for all business units) for the entity within an environment.

    For some entities (like Product), it only has permissions at the Organization level and None, so users either cannot access the entity or they can access all the data of the entity within the environment. That is, for such entities, it is not possible to distinguish the accessibility of different business units.


    In summary, to decide whether multiple companies are set up in one environment or multiple environments, one point to consider is whether there is an entity whose data must be differentiated by company for accessibility, but this entity in the security role cannot be set to Organization level permissions on the contrary. If there is an entity like Product that has to differentiate accessibility by company, then you have to have only one company per environment.

    If there is no such entity as Product with permission to either be Organization or None, then you may consider having multiple companies in one environment.

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