Hi everyone. We've recently upgraded to Azure Premium Messaging (we're using an Azure-aware custom plugin, described here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/dynamicscrm-2016/developers-guide/gg328226(v=crm.8) ). We've created a new Service Bus namespace and migrated our topics. However we still seem to be hitting the message size limit at 256KB, which is the Standard messaging size limit. The Premium size limit should be 1MB.
In the Service Bus Explorer, I can see that the messages are tagged with a custom property: MessageMaxSizeExceeded = True:
I've tested with messages of various sizes, and it show's the breaking point is indeed still at about 256KB:
Beyond that limit, the 'Input Parameter' (Payload) in the message is removed:
Is there something we missed? Is there a way to verify our subscription has indeed been upgrade to Premium?