We've recently just given our customer service team access to using PowerBI Desktop on our main production platform because the Azure database copy was costing too much. We have 18 of our users, using PowerBI Desktop. They are proficient with PowerBI as we use it for our SAP system. What we have noticed is that this is slowing our main platform down. We've has several workflows in the 'waiting for resources' stage.
The problem is that users are uninitiated and querying large volumes of data. I have launched a support ticket with Microsoft and they have opened up the number of connections to us after a lot of investigation but it hasn't really fixed the problem. The only solution we came up with is that we develop the PowerBi dashboards ourselves and then grant users access to these.
Does anyone have any ideas on how we can give our users PowerBi to the main production platform and still have it work well? We reached out to our Partners and they advised us to normalise the database, we can't do this because we have over 100,000 records of sales.