I have some customisations in Dynamics 365 where I have 2 tab controls on the Account form. Within each of these tab controls is a single section containing a html web resource with reference to a javascript web resource (for ease of explanation these scripts will be web resource A and web resource B).
In the previous interface (pre v9) and the "refreshed" interface in v9. I can call a function that is defined within web resource B from the script in web resource A. However, when using the new Unified Client Interface web resource B's script is not loaded and available to web resource A, when tab A is selected in the client.
It appears as though the web resources within a tab are loaded when the tab is selected in the client, and then disposed off when the user clicks onto another tab. Is this the expected behaviour?
Example code below:
This would be called in web resource A. In the refreshed interface, the variable webResourceB is not undefined. In the UCI it is undefined.
var webResourceB = window.parent.Xrm.Page.getControl('Tab_B_Name').getObject(); webResourceB.contentWindow.window.WebResourceB.MyFunction();
Anyone else seen this in the new UCI and know the best approach to take to achieve the functionality I am after? Thanks.