Our developer team is currently faced with a problem when creating a new Associated Phonecall record from one of Contacts records in Dynamics 365(On-premise).
We have a couple of Dynamics 365(On-premise) environments; one is production environment(=PRO) and the other is development environment(=DEV).
Each environment is deployed in different VM servers, whose networking is not reachable each other.
The problem is occurring in PRO.
When creating a new Associated Phonecall record from one of Contacts records in DEV,
the value of "telephone1" field in Contacts form is automatically copied to that of "phonenumber" field in Associated Phonecall form.
The function, however, does not work properly in PRO.
In order to debug,
We have attempted to utilize F12 Developer Tools of Internet Explore in both environments.
As a result, there was a significant difference in a part of scripts in "main.aspx" between them.
... crmCreate(Mscrm.ContentPanel,{"contentUrl":"\x2f<Organization_Name>\x2f_forms\x2fread\x2fpage.aspx\x3f_CreateFromId\x3d\x25<GUID>\x257d\x26_CreateFromType\x3d2\x26contactInfo\x3d<Phone number>\x26create ...
... crmCreate(Mscrm.ContentPanel,{"contentUrl":"/<Organization_Name>/_forms/read/page.aspx?_CreateFromId=%<GUID>%7d&_CreateFromType=2&contactInfo=<Phone number>&create ...
In DEV, when substituting the value of "contentUrl", all the symbol characters, such as '/', '?', '=','%','&', were arranged in the "original" form.
In PRO, on the other hand, they were encoded in the "hex" form, such as "\x2f", "\x3f", "\x3d", "\x25", "\x26".
Unexpectedly encoded characters seem to have prevented "crmCreate" method from assigning the the value of "phonenumber" to the "contactInfo" valuable,
which is causing failure of inheritance of the value of telephone number from "telephone1".
Though we roughly formulated a hypothesis, we have a difficulty in find the way out of the problem.
If you have a proper solution strategy to this problem, would you please tell us?