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Data entity for go-live opening balances in D365FO

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Hi all,

I'm just wondering what data entities you have used to import opening A/R and A/P in D365FO?  In AX 2012 there was the LedgerBalance entity in DIXF that covered all our needs.  I'm struggling to find a data entity that has all the necessary fields in D365.  

Your help is appreciated!

Thank you,

  • Suggested answer
    Dave C Eng Profile Picture
    Dave C Eng 442 on at
    RE: Data entity for go-live opening balances in D365FO


    We used one journal per invoice and used the journal header entity to set the journals up.

    It is perfectly fine to have them all in one journal and create this manually. However if you want them to have unique voucher numbers you will have to change your journal setup from “one voucher number” or “in connection with balance” to “manual” and change the number sequence used by the journal for vouchers to manual. You can then set your own voucher numbers in the import. Note they will still need to match the format of the number sequence even with it set to manual.

    We did this and manually set our vouchers so they matched that of the source system.

    It is worth having separate number sequences and journal names for the migrated data.

    Hope this helps



  • AnnGrev Profile Picture
    AnnGrev on at
    RE: Data entity for go-live opening balances in D365FO


    To Dave : We are facing a problem with the customer invoice journal lines entity . Did you create the journal manually in Dynamics prior to import? Is the customer invoice journal header necessary? 

    We have the issue that the lines get the same voucher number altough each line is balancing on its own... i expect to get different voucher on each line. 

  • Suggested answer
    Dave C Eng Profile Picture
    Dave C Eng 442 on at
    RE: Data entity for go-live opening balances in D365FO

    1. Import data using Customer invoice journal header and Customer invoice journal line

    Entity: Customer invoice journal header

    JournalBatchNumber, JB-000002
    Description, 9432
    JournalName, ZDM_OpenSL

    Entity: Customer invoice journal line

    AccountType, Customer
    DEBITAMOUNT, 2486.75
    INVOICEID, 9432
    INVOICEDATE, 31/03/2017 00:00
    DOCUMENTDATE, 31/03/2017 00:00
    OffsetAccountType, Ledger
    REASONCOMMENT,  INV 9432 original value £2486.75
    TRANSACTIONTEXT,  INV 9432 original value £2486.75
    VOUCHER, XXXX-MIG-000002

    2. Post journals

    3. Invoices available to match against


  • Dave C Eng Profile Picture
    Dave C Eng 442 on at
    RE: Data entity for go-live opening balances in D365FO

    Hi Jacquie,

    I will check in work tomorrow and let you know. Did you use the entities suggested above or the GL to import your open invoices?



  • J-AX Profile Picture
    J-AX on at
    RE: Data entity for go-live opening balances in D365FO

    Hi Dave,

    For the invoice transactions, what fields did you use on the import?  

    I'm not sure this is actually related to the import, but transactions that are added via a general journal are not displayed from customer payment journals as an option to settle against.  The approved flag is set to "yes", so I'm not sure why our opening balance transactions would not show.  They are on the aging report.

    Thank you,


  • Suggested answer
    Dave C Eng Profile Picture
    Dave C Eng 442 on at
    RE: Data entity for go-live opening balances in D365FO

    Hi Jacqueline,

    We are using the following

    1. General journal : for our GL main account balances (plus the adjustments for the posting of open AP and AR items e.g. invoices)

    2. Customer invoice journal header and Customer invoice journal line : for open customer invoices

    3. Customer payment journal header and Customer payment journal line : for open customer payments

    4. Vendor invoice journal line and Vendor invoice journal header : for open vendor invoices

    5. Vendor payment journal header and Vendor payment journal line : for open vendor payments

    6. Project journal lines for cost/sale beginning balances and Project journal lines for fee beginning balances : to migrate our project fee/hour/item/expense transactions to create opening balances for projects.

    We migrated open items as per the premise in this guide i.e. just the outstanding amount on the invoice if part paid and a single line for each open invoice.



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