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Supply Chain Management forum

No Shipment created when the load is released to warehouse from load planning workbench

Posted on by 60


When the SO line is added to new Load in Load planning workbench Load is created. After releasing to warehouse i received message that Load is posted but no shipments are created. 

i want to consolidate multiple shipments from different SO's to a single load. Suggestions please


  • Suggested answer
    AJ Arjun Profile Picture
    AJ Arjun 60 on at
    RE: No Shipment created when the load is released to warehouse from load planning workbench

    Thanks a lot Danny. It worked.

    Thanks for your help once again.

  • Verified answer
    Danny Bilodeau Profile Picture
    Danny Bilodeau 4,058 Super User on at
    RE: No Shipment created when the load is released to warehouse from load planning workbench

    Hello Arjun,

    Not sure if that is the cause, but can you go to Warehouse Management > Setup > Load Posting Method and regenerate the methods.  One of the methods is to create a Shipment when load is created.


  • AJ Arjun Profile Picture
    AJ Arjun 60 on at
    RE: No Shipment created when the load is released to warehouse from load planning workbench

    Hi Danny,

    Thanks for your comments.

    And yes, Reservation is done. In fact Auto-reservation is enabled. So when the sales order is created items are reserved automatically. and i confirmed it once again.

    And also when we do release to warehouse from SO, shipments are created. But when i do it from load planning workbench it is not generating.


  • Suggested answer
    Danny Bilodeau Profile Picture
    Danny Bilodeau 4,058 Super User on at
    RE: No Shipment created when the load is released to warehouse from load planning workbench

    Hello Arjun,

    The process you are following would allow you to include several sales order (or shipments) to the same load.  

    I would suggest to first confirm on the Sales Order that the lines are reserved?  If there is no reservation, there will be no attempt at creating work and probably no attempt at creating a shipment either.

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