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Finance forum

Create a report for voided sales orders

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I am trying to build a report through our SSRS, using exported data from D365 through Entity store -> BYOD. I am looking for a way to count the amount of voided sales orders in our system, including the quantity voided on each order row.

Using the Data Entities 'Voided Sales order headers' and 'Voided Sales order lines' I can get the amount of orders voided, but not the date it was voided nor the quantity on each order line. I found that the data is available in the system through the module Sales and Marketing -> Inquiries and reports -> History -> Voided Sales orders. However all the fields/columns available there are not exported through the data entity? How can i work around this? Is there any other way of doing this?

Thanks for the help!


  • Verified answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Create a report for voided sales orders

    Hello Linnea,

    Have you checked whether you can extract the data you need by using Electronic Reporting?

    Best regards,


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