I have 2 DataSet in an SSRS , one Shows the summary one Shows the Details.
Since the report is very heavy and there is rendering issues showing up on the Screen .
I like to Show the Summary Page on the screen , but i have a Image which i made it Hyperlink to the same report which export out to Excel.
Where i am stuck is when i click the link it runs the same DataSet again i want the report to run the second dataset (For that i have a Parameter called Mode = 1 (Detail ) and Mode =2 (Summary)
Below is the expression i am using , but it is taking the default values of the report to run . Can someone help me fix it how can i write the hyperlink so it takes Mode = 1 as default.?
=Globals!ReportServerUrl + "?"+Globals!ReportFolder + "/" +Globals!ReportName+ "&Parameters!Mode.Value=1&rs%3ACommand=Render&rs%3AFormat=EXCEL"