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Models are not visible after version update

Posted on by 524
Hi Experts, 
Today I have updated one of cloud hosted development environment's version to 10.0.40. After the update, I cannot see any models when I go to to build models, but all the models & files are available in the PackagesLocaldirectory. what could be the reason ? when I try Refresh models, I am getting below error. Any help please.

Please correct the metadata files for the following issue. module reference XYZ in model ABC cannot be located. This is an indication that model store is in a broken state. 
Then select the refresh models menu item in the dynamics 365 model management menu to refresh the models. 
  • D365  beginner Profile Picture
    D365 beginner 524 on at
    Models are not visible after version update
    Hi Komi & Andre, 
    Thank you for the inputs and it worked, I removed the model reference from the XML file for the model ABC and now I am able to see all the models except XYZ in my case. Actually model XYZ is created by a third party and they will not share the source code. So I used to see it in models in italics as I cannot build it or alter it. Now I can see all other models except it. I can see the XYZ folder in my packages local directory but the model is not available in visual studio. There is no descriptor file in the folder for this model. what should I do now to see it in the models as I need to include this as well while creating deployable package?
  • Anton Venter Profile Picture
    Anton Venter 9,453 Super User on at
    Models are not visible after version update
    From the information you supplied, it seems your custom model was referencing another model but now it cannot find that model. As mentioned by others, check your descriptor file for correct references.
  • Komi Siabi Profile Picture
    Komi Siabi 12,381 Super User on at
    Models are not visible after version update
    Just like André said, you need to update the descriptor file of your custom model and then it will appear on VS when you update the models.
    You can check my blog post on this.
  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 287,835 Super User on at
    Models are not visible after version update
    Hi D365 beginner,

    It might be the case that a standard model has been split into multiple models, or a model has been removed or renamed. You can go to the model descriptor files of the custom models on the disc and check if the referenced models are still available. If not, remove the model reference from the XML file. Most likely you can then open VIsual Studio, but you would need to check if the model then will still build or would need a new model reference. 

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